HomeNurse, Inc.

CoVid-19 Update, April 2, 2020

Click Here to Download a Travel Authorization Letter

HomeNurse employees are classified as Health Care Workers and are exempt from the Shelter in Place order you need to make sure you have your ID Badge and the above letter when going back and forth to the clients.

CoVid-19 Update, April 1, 2020

Many of you may be aware of the paid leave law passed by Congress in response to the COVID-19 pandemic that is set to go into effect on April 1st. Under that law, there is an exclusion for employees of health care providers, which includes those at HomeNurse. Therefore, employees at HomeNurse will not be eligible for paid leave under this law. Should you have any questions about this, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.

Remember, if you are exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19, or have been exposed to someone with the virus or who is exhibiting symptoms, please stay home and report that to us immediately. It is important that we remain vigilant about hygiene and sanitization at this time to ensure the health and safety of our fragile client base and our employees.

CoVid-19 Update, March 23, 2020

Click Here to Download a Travel Authorization Letter

The Department of Homeland Security defines healthcare services as a Critical Infrastructure Industry. You have a special responsibility to maintain your normal work schedule. During any shelter in place, shutdown or curfew, we should be excluded. REMEMBER: Do not go see your client if you have symptoms. Immediately, notify the office of any changes.

CoVid-19 Update, March 19, 2020


If the CLIENT has symptoms:

  1. Instruct the client or family member to call the client's doctor immediately.
  2. Alert HomeNurse.

If the Employee has symptoms:

  1. Do not go to see your clients.
  2. Consult with your doctor.
  3. Alert HomeNurse.

Please complete all steps and notify HomeNurse Immediately.

COVID 19 Guidance, March 13, 2020

All employees must use infection prevention steps as per the Georgia Department of Public Health, How to prevent the spread of: Coronavirus Disease 2019 below:

  1. Always use universal precautions.
  2. Wash your hands often with soap + water.
  3. Avoid touching your eyes, nose + mouth with unwashed hands.
  4. Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
  5. Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  6. Get a flu shot!
  7. Clean + disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces such as counters, door knobs, desks, keyboards, tablets and phones.


The guidance bulletin regarding risk assessment from CMS regarding home health care staff mandates self-monitoring for all employees.

  • All employees must take temperatures 2 x a day for fever. If you have a fever, do not report to work.
  • All employees who have signs and symptoms of a respiratory infection do not report to work.
  • Any employee that develops signs and symptoms of a respiratory infection while on-the-job, should:
    1. Immediately stop work, put on a facemask if you have one.  We have ordered facemasks but they are currently unavailable.  Then self-isolate at home;
    2. Immediately Inform your HomeNurse Supervisor of information on individuals, equipment, and locations the person came in contact with; and
    3. Contact and follow the local health department recommendations for next steps (e.g., testing, locations for treatment).
    4. Refer to the CDC guidance for exposures that might warrant restricting asymptomatic healthcare personnel from reporting to work.
    5. Employees should contact their local health department for questions, and frequently review the CDC website dedicated to COVID-19 for health care professionals:




CDC Emergency Number – 770-488-7100